English: Red Pine

Chinese: Han Shan
čeština: Marta Ryšavá
čeština: Alena Bláhová a Olga Lomová
Esperanto: vejdo
English: Red Pine
English: Robert G. Henricks
English: Peter Levitt
English: Burton Watson
français: Mme Cheng et M. Collet
français: Mme Georgette Jaeger
français: M. Patrick Carré
français: M. Paul Jacob

城中娥眉女 珠珮珂珊珊 鹦鹉花前弄 琵琶月下弹 

长歌三月响 短舞万人看 未必长如此 芙蓉不耐寒 

城中娥眉女 珠珮珂珊珊 鹦鹉花前弄 琵琶月下弹

长歌三月响 短舞万人看 未必长如此 芙蓉不耐寒

A moth-browed girl in town

how her pendants chime

teasing a parrot before the flowers

playing a lute beneath the moon

her singing echoes for months

thousands watch her briefest dance

but surely this won't last

the hibiscus can't bear cold