Red Carpet Goban

25. 8. 2024
- shader code refactor & reuse, slightly higher FPS on integrated cards and different appearance
- red-blue anaglyphic shaders restored (offsets adjustable by H/L J/K keys)
- persistent default view (save feature) including gamma and contrast
3. 2. 2022
- fixes failing shader output reported on some systems
- swaps bowls' and lids' positions thanks to issue #39 suggestion
- please note that the goban root folder has to be writable to allow saving sgf files and writing last_run.txt log
5. 1. 2022
- automatically saves SGF game records inside data/sgf subfolder
- SGF branching when undoing moves
- basic SGF comments
- human players configurable in config.json
- GUI folder referenced from config.json to allow custom GUI variants
- explicit on/off menu items display style
- wide unicode character support POC (unused)
31. 5. 2021
- rather bad news, not much progress, built from branch cleaner-build
- more demanding graphically, resulting in lower FPS
- please drop me a line if it makes the GUI unusable for you
- popojan <please put an AT sign here> protonmail <dot comes here> com]
- fail: shader refactor, still unmaintainable
- fail: no news related to SGF support
- fix: random generator for procedural textures not working on some GPUs
- fix: hopefully fixing possible deadlock
- feat: rectangular goban grid
- feat: fake bowls full of stones, lids for captured stones as suggested
- feat: player can ask an engine configured as kibitz to execute his/her move
26. 5. 2020
- configuration moved to data/config.json: engines, fonts, sounds, shaders, controls
- basic parsing of engine standard error output, configurable using regular expressions
- parsed messages are displayed in the status message area at the bottom of the screen
- preconfigured KataGo messages evaluating last move, engine disabled by default and not included
- variable interpolation in regular expressions (will be used later in other places)
- fix: gtp messages cannot overwrite standard game info (pass, resignation, result)
- fix: hide message on click
- [fixed]
16. 5. 2020
- minor fixes thanks to @lj739's feedback:
- komi and engine selection using drop down menus
- komi independent of handicap, possible values listed in data/gui/goban.rml
- fix: undoing moves works again
- fix: playing illegal move leaves the stone in player's hand
- fix: bot resignation ends the game
- fix: switching secondary engines during game
- new feature ideas listed on
24. 2. 2019
- stone placement and collision sounds
- two-click input method
- improved fuzzy placement
- removed SGF player for the time being
- source code refactoring work in progress
13. 12. 2018
- anaglyphic shader (press V to cycle shaders)
- decreased board thickness
- fixed board edge antialiasing
- some invisible source code clean up
9. 12. 2018
Runtime libraries for older builds
Visual Studio 2013 runtimes26. 11. 2018
21. 11. 2018
- despite being lazy to refactor, going public on github
- popojan protonmail com
- some shader optimizations; 50 FPS on Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz, Fedora 26.
- a useless shader modification for anaglyphic glasses
14. 3. 2018
20. 7. 2017
- refactor wip (wish to go open-source one day)
- memory leaks fixed (valgrind)
- opengl bugs fixed (nvidia nsight)
- extra controls: V (cycle shaders), N (toggle experimental text overlay), C (re-center board), O (animate board), X (toggle max fps gameloop)
4. 4. 2017
- bug fix prvního tahu hráče
- integrace glyphy
- dva rychlejší alternativní shadery
29. 12. 2016
- náhodné umístění zajatých kamenů v misce
- zvětšen limit na počet zobrazených zajatých kamenů
- výpočet souřadnice na desce pod kurzorem myši přesunut ze shaderu do aplikace
- tmavší vzhled gobanu a další drobné vizuální úpravy (textury, nasvětlení)
- automatické skrývání nabídek a nápisů (zobrazí se pouze při pohybu kurzoru nad oblastí)
12. 5. 2016
- rotace scény kolem bodu na desce, na který kouká kamera
8. 5. 2016
- konfigurace botů v textových souborech v adresáři ./config/engines.enabled/
- náhodné nepřesnosti při umísťování kamenů dle
- fix: správné podtržení přemýšlejícího hráče při hře dvou botů či bota a hráče